Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Progress on GUI

Due to Other Exam and Coursework Commitments progress on the GUI has been slowed, but this week is back on full speed.

I have been previously on the idea of a JSP form to upload an image manually, this has been created and has been taken one step further because now the uploaded image is passed into a prototype of the image analysis algorithm.

I have also found some open source code on how to send a file automatically from an android app, after fiddling with the code, it now sends a file to the server, but, so far, i havent been able to get the server side script to work which means the file isnt accepted, this is where i am spending most of my time in trying to get the image to send. I feel that this is an important part of the project.


1 comment:

  1. Nice post.Thank you for sharing some good things!!
    Incredible work on this follow up blog. You've really poured your heart into these blogs!
