Tuesday, 27 March 2012

Extras to the GUI

The application worked at a basic level, in order to make it more exciting to the user extra features could be added to it. The two ideas which were to be implemented were:

  1. Using the Accelerometer to make sure the user is holding the phone flat, vibrating if it isn't
  2. Reading whether the shot is to be a hit or miss to the user.
A lot of modern phones running the android operating system contain accelerometers within them, they also contain a vibrate function normally used when the user wants the phone to be quiet.

The android website contains an example of using the accelerometer:


There is also the source code for using the Vibrate function which is found here:


When the activity is created, a new sensor manager is set up which 'listens' for a change in the sensor values, the threshold was set as 1 or -1 in both the x and y direction for the vibrate function to be turned on, the implemented code is shown below:

 Vibrator v = (Vibrator) getSystemService(Context.VIBRATOR_SERVICE);
// check sensor type

// assign directions
float x=event.values[0];
float y=event.values[1];//Measure the Acceleromter in the X and Y direction
if(x>1||x<-1||y>1||y<-1){//Occurrs if they Exceed defined values
v.vibrate(1000);//Makes Phone Vibrate for 1 Second


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